Food Good for the Soul!

Tried my hand at some BBQ

The other day I was off and decided to cook! I am not a person that loves to cook, but I decided to tackle that bull by the horns. Since my Gee has been “traveling for COVID” I have had to do more cooking. On any given day when he is off work, he would call me to ask what I wanted to eat.

Now I have to fend for myself and the kids. While the children would not choose me as the main chef of the house, now they are left with little choice but to eat my cooking, lol.

My mother cooks as well, but it does not always suit the unique and developed palate of my 16-year-old. So she makes a lot of her own food (sandwiches) and does a pretty good job. With time I can see she will be a fine cook, better than her mom.

Back when I was her age, when other children were learning the art of homemaking, I perhaps spent way too much time with my nose in a book. I have never enjoyed the typical “woman’s work” so I hid behind a book.

I felt the need for some ribs, so I BBQ some beef ribs. They came out pretty handsome looking and quite tasty. I sent them to Gee – just to show off my skills.

I made my glaze with some BBQ sauce, some ketchup, and honey, it was amazing!

He was impressed!


The below image is my basmati rice with brown beans and okra from my garden with olives, shrimps, and some older tomatoes I needed to use.



All in all, I think I did ok and it was enjoyable!

As Andrew Zimmerman (Food Network chef) would say – if it looks good, eat it!

Be safe, be well, be blessed!


Published by gifted50

I am a lover of God, most things from nature, (not worms or snakes) and photography. I love dancing, music, reading, learning new things. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a Registered (Emergency Room) Nurse by profession. The intent behind this blog is to share tips on how we can become healthier and better versions of ourselves as we journey life's road together. I write about my life experiences, health, childhood lessons, my relationship with God and man and heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. So let us journey alongside each other. "Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can" ~ Louisa May Alcott.

39 thoughts on “Food Good for the Soul!

      1. That is great. 😊
        That is really good. How is prep for it? It’s closer than before. πŸ™‚

        Hmm. The odds of 2020. But grateful that you were able to get by it this far. πŸ€— He will lead you through the remaining weeks and 2021 will make that desire of hers possible. With Him, all things are possible. ❀


    1. Yes we grew and ate so much and still have some in the freezer.
      And the best part … watching them grow and seeing how God provides for us.
      Thank you Ms Sally!


  1. Did you get to read a cookbook back then? Lol.
    By the way, you did justice to barbecue, I wish I could lick my phone screen but it’s broken.
    Keep storming the kitchen. It’s not too late to be the first choice chef at home. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    I enjoyed reading this piece. The pictures are beautiful too


    1. Lol. No cookbooks for me.
      I broke 2 phones this month. I need to get up and go to the mobile store. Last week broke the first one the Saturday, I bent over to get my mask and it fell out of my pocket shattering the screen. I have a plastic bag as I worked the past 2 days. Now I need to go pay again! You are not alone!


  2. lol wrong post for me to click on .. I’m a veggo, but that rice and tomatoes sure look good! I also have avoided the domestic goddess category but find myself enjoying to cook now I’ve got the resources πŸ™‚


  3. I’m impressed by your skills! πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Looks delicious. Were your kids happy? Bet you’ll be happy when your chef returns.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³I’m so glad your garden was bountiful after all your work. Btw I had my nose in a book as a teenager too. Had to teach myself to cook in college out of necessity. I actually enjoy it now- mostly because I love to eat! πŸ˜…


  4. Those ribs look so delicious! It is difficult to get the ribs to look perfect like these ones. And that rice looks good too, with your homegrown veggies it must have been a treat!


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