Chillaxin With The Kiddies

Due to a lot of rain, water from the lake covering the streets that we could drive over 1 week ago, a few of the trees are submerged as well.

Today I spent the better part of the day, acting a fool with my kids. It was so much fun!

I had for a while, been an overworked mother in an effort to (over) provide for their earthly needs as well as mine.

Last week I learned from my 2nd job that I could not take more than 80 PTO (paid time off) hours into April and scrambled to use some before I lost 50% of the 160+ hours I had accumulated.

It had been my plan at the time that I would take one month off this summer to return to South America with my family to relax. I had verbalized this desire to my boss many many times over the past year. I worked every holiday.

Myself (day shift house supervisor) and the night shift house supervisor kept the place running smoothly while upper management went every which way over the holidays and used up their PTO.

My supervisor, the director of nursing gave me her verbal approval and we had several conversations about me being out on vacation and finding coverage.

Well, about 4 days ago I received a text from my HR rep that I was not approved for my vacation and I needed to be at work for 03/19/2020 as usual. They were refusing to grant me any considerations for using my PTO, and my boss (a professed christian / pastor) needed to be on vacation on the last week of March, so both of us could not be out at the same time.

Denied that she had verbally approved my time off.

So I pondered the unfairness of it all and I resigned. I cannot in good stead work with a known liar, one who would throw me under the bus and this was not the first infraction to myself or other nurses / employees.

They still refused to pay me over 160+ hours of earned PTO.

I am leaving it all in God’s hands.

God knew I was tired, I felt so good today hanging out with the kids. It was a great day! Perhaps inadvertently God is saving me from some future ill … I prefer to see the glass as half-full.

Spent more time with the children, a blessing in disguise.

Be safe, be blessed.

Published by gifted50

I am a lover of God, most things from nature, (not worms or snakes) and photography. I love dancing, music, reading, learning new things. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a Registered (Emergency Room) Nurse by profession. The intent behind this blog is to share tips on how we can become healthier and better versions of ourselves as we journey life's road together. I write about my life experiences, health, childhood lessons, my relationship with God and man and heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. So let us journey alongside each other. "Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can" ~ Louisa May Alcott.

34 thoughts on “Chillaxin With The Kiddies

  1. Such unfairness, as a friend I would have recommended you get a replacement job first, but I hope it will be better than ok. Loved the happy photos.


    1. My sister we could have conversations about this issue. I experienced so much anxiety when I had to go to that place. I prayed all the time before I went to work. I know you get exactly what I mean from your post. I have a primary job where I’m mostly happy and comfortable. So I am still earning.
      But my dear, I see God telling me that was NOT the place for me. I’m trusting Him to continue to supply ALL my needs.
      Let us pray for each other. Lol I’m just remember this last one threw me under the bus…every request was met with “let me pray about it” …guess God answered and told her to lie🤣


      1. 😂; God uses whomever He wishes to protect His children; even if we feel wronged. He moves us or them. They think they are hurting us only to find out in the end they are the ones truly used to benefit us. #ServingTheRealFather


  2. I am sure that God will work things out perfectly for you and your family. Hey, that family time is a perfect stress reliever, glad you could have the time with them. Hope the rest of your weekend is great as well!😃😺


  3. Beautiful pic Ms. Pene I will surely miss you at work but God has a better plan for you. Enjoy the moments with your beautiful family. Once this social distancing is over we should go out and grab a drink and laugh about the old times.


  4. Lovely photos, it looks like great fun was had by all. Nicely done to enjoy your time. I agree with your assessment – we never know what God has in store down the road. Things seem to work out in the end – when they are in His hands.. Many blessings to you. 💖


  5. This made me sad to read. Sad that people could act that way. I hope you can resolve it and if you ever look for a new job find a way better one.

    Enjoy the time with your family… take care of yourself…

    Love, light, and glitter


  6. I like your attitude “Let God, handled it” I do hope your union rep will fight for you, and that you always get things in writing moving forward…


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